Sadly as i thought yesterday’s flying was not on due to poor visability..There is very little you can do when the weather does not allow you to fly…this is part of avaition at this level of flying light aircrafts and in visual flight conditions

clear skies

However this gave me time to focus on my reading and ground school studies. Today however was a perfect day for flyingWe recapped on excercises 1 and 2 plus 7 and 8 then we went onto all of excerise 9. There are notes on this in my previous blog entry – Day 4.

So, i did all the pre and post flight checks, and taxiied to the departure point of teh middle runway which we had not used before. Once airborn and beleive me the view was stunning and we could see everything from teh South coast to north of Basingstoke maybe as far as Newbury, Greenham Commo. We practised Straight and level and climbing and decending.

It is started to feel nice knowing how to control a plane wihout always looking at the contols. Once Paul was satisfied that I have taken in what he is teaching me we started our flight towards blackbush to do some introduction to circuits and teh protocole to joining circuits. Having done our touch and go, we headed back to Lasham, and on route Paul gave taught me how to do a medium turn at 30 degrees whilst maintaining level. All in all, it was a terrific day and I am started to pull together all the things i have learnt and i am being very very busy in the air. It was also the first time i had flow the PA28 at 4000ft – it was very cool and i want to keep going higher!
When we landed and taxiied to the fueling station we saw a cap airplane on the grass taxi way. we admired it very much and had not realized that it belonged to a BDFA member Roger. I also managed to quickly catch up with the BDFA Chairman Mike and Paul met him for the first time.

Next Excercise Stalling

Lasham (EGHL) to Lasham (EGHL) PA28 G-AXJV
Departure GMT 1100am – Arrival 12:30pm Total 1hr:30mins

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